At Bags for Breakfast, we understand the value and beauty of high-end luxury handbags. We believe that every handbag has a story to tell and deserves to find a new home where it will be cherished and appreciated. That’s why we offer a comprehensive designer bag consignment and sale service for handbag enthusiasts like you.
Whether you’re looking to consign your luxury bag and earn some extra cash, purchase a designer piece, or sell it outright, our dedicated team is here to assist you every step of the way. We have a deep understanding of the luxury handbag market, including brands like Louis Vuitton, Chanel, and Gucci, and can help you determine the best price for your beloved bag.
Simple and Hassle-Free Consignment Process
Our consignment process is designed to be simple and hassle-free. If you love to shop for designer bags, you'll appreciate our streamlined approach. Just fill out the form below with the details of your designer bag, and we’ll get back to you with a personalized consignment plan. Our expert team will evaluate your bag’s condition, brand, and current market trends to provide you with a fair and competitive price.
If you prefer to sell your bag directly, let us know, and we’ll provide you with a competitive offer. Whether you’re a first-time seller or have consigned items before, we ensure a seamless experience from start to finish.
Why Choose Bags for Breakfast?
Great Prices: We strive to offer the best prices for your designer bags. Our extensive knowledge of the market ensures that you get the value you deserve.
Top Designers: We accept bags from top designers such as Louis Vuitton, Hermes, Chanel, and many more. Your luxury bags are in good hands with us.
Wide Range of Accessories: In addition to handbags, we also consign and sell other luxury items like wallets, watches, and more, helping you streamline your collection.
Quality Assurance: We carefully inspect every bag to ensure it meets our high standards of quality and authenticity.
Trusted Buyer Network: Our network of buyers is always looking for new pieces to add to their collections, ensuring a quick sale for your items.
Elevate Your Style: Enhance your fashion sense with our luxury accessories, embodying timeless elegance and expressing your individuality.
Discover a New Owner for Your Bag
By submitting your bag for designer consignment or sale, you’re taking the first step towards finding a new owner who will appreciate its beauty and craftsmanship. Whether it’s a classic Chanel piece or a trendy Gucci handbag, your bag will be showcased to a wide audience of luxury fashion enthusiasts.
The Bags for Breakfast Advantage
Montreal-Based E-Commerce: We are based in the heart of Montreal, and our online store is a trusted destination for luxury handbag consignment and sales.
Expert Evaluation: Our team provides expert evaluations to ensure your bag is priced competitively.
Secure Shipping: We offer secure shipping options to ensure your bag arrives safely at its new home.
First-Time Sellers Welcome: If this is your first time consigning or selling a bag, our team will guide you through the process with ease and confidence.
Start Your Consignment Journey Today
Ready to consign or sell your designer bag? Fill out the form below with the necessary details, and let us handle the rest. Whether you’re looking to make space in your collection, earn extra cash, or simply find a new home for your luxury bag, Bags for Breakfast is here to help.
Don’t wait—take the first step towards selling your luxury handbags and designer bags with Bags for Breakfast today. Discover the joy of passing on your cherished items to someone who will treasure them just as much as you have.
Contact Us
If you have any questions or need assistance with the consignment process, feel free to reach out to our team. We’re here to ensure your experience is smooth and rewarding. Join our community of satisfied consignors and let us help you make the most of your luxury handbag collection.