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Hermes and interiors: ways to beautifully display your collection in your home | Bags for Breakfast

Hermes and interiors: ways to beautifully display your collection in your home | Bags for Breakfast

Once you have started collecting Hermes bags, you may find that you can't be stopped and want to add more to your collection. As your collection grows, you may want to start thinking about ways to store and display your Hermes bags.

There are so many beautiful and creative ways to style a display for your collection. I wanted to write about how to optimize your closet closet space to house your impressive collection as well as tips to safely store your pieces.

First thing to talk about is how to store your bags in your closet. The most important thing is to keep your handbags in shape (not all slouched) and dust-free. The first purpose of the closet is to preserve your handbags. Like wine in a cellar, handbags like to be kept a certain way to ensure longevity. If you keep your handbags stored nicely I promise you they will age gracefully and be timeless. It doesn't matter what colour is popular or what size is trending, if your bag is kept in good condition, it will always look like it is in style. A tip for this is purchasing a bag insert to go inside your bag to protect the lining or interior leather and to keep its shape. A bag in its shape will keep the handles nice and upright and not all slouched. Just like your skincare, prevention is the key. It's much harder to treat wrinkles and deep set lines once they are already there than to take little steps in your routine to maintain your complexion. The same exact rule applies to your leather handbags. Even though Hermes handbags are structured to keep their shape and use the finest materials, if you mistreat your bags, as with anything, lines in the leather start to form and your bag matures into a pieces that requires much more fuss to keep it looking nice.

So like I mentioned, like your skincare, if you just put an insert in your bag to keep its shape after you use it, you are doing wonders to preserve the condition of your handbag. Even better keep a sleeve in your bag while it is in use, to protect the lining of your bags or if the the leather interior is raw inside. Especially if you keep hand cream, hand sanitizer or anything that can leak in your bag, this will help prevent any accidents and you are doing wonders for your bag to keep its structure.

The second thing is keeping your bags dust free. You can put your bags back in the dust bag when you are not using the bag daily, but that defeats the purpose of beautifully displaying your bags. The best way is to have your bags behind glass. Remember, these handbags are art that you wear. You need to treat them with respect as though they were pieces in a museum. If you have a shelving unit where your bags live, it is so easy to go the extra little mile and have a glass door or panel installed to keep your bags safe and sound and dust free.

One more thing to pay attention to is not letting your handbags be exposed to too much sunshine. If your closet has windows and is facing the sun, have blinds or something to limit the amount of sun your bag is getting. Again, like wine or your skin, leather does not like the sun. You want to avoid long exposed sun damage to your valuable leather. If your whole handbags collection is sitting in your closet and getting constant exposure from a skylight for example, it could result over a period of time that your leather will become increasingly brittle, stiff and crack. It will lose its natural suppleness and have a dull, lifeless appearance. Your bag will begin to look aged and in poor quality. So, if this is your closet set up, do install blackout blinds and be mindful of long sun exposure.

Now that you have the pillars of what you need to successfully store your bags, let's jump into the fun part. I have seen so many creative closets and I want to showcase some of my favourite elements that are easy enough to incorporate to elevate any closet, no matter how big or small the space is.

The first step is as easy as keeping things off the floor. Even though we are talking about how to display your handbags, obviously most closets are not dedicated to just handbags. So, if the floor of your closet is lined with shoes, bags, etc, even if its organized, I promise you your space will feel bigger and more satisfying if you just take things off the floor.

Now assuming your closet is a walk in, and you have four walls to work with, one thing that will really make your closet feel luxurious is of you dedicate one wall to just your handbags. Preferably the back wall so when you walk in you can see all of your beautiful bags displayed as soon as you walk in. By doing this, you instantly feel a boost of happiness every time you open your closet seeing all your beautiful bags lined up.

The next thing you want to do, is install uplighting. Uplighting is the easiest way to elevate any space. You can even install lights that are motion censored and turn on as as you open your closet door. A nice warm light illuminating your handbag collection from under the shelf, behind a glass panel will instantly make your closet have that luxurious feel.

Keep in mind, this doesn't have to be custom made with expensive finishes, Ikea is a great place to start if you you want to ease your way into furnishing. Below I'll have linked some of my favourite items from Ikea that would be easy installation, and make your space feel a little extra put together.

Finally, you have to remember that these pieces are art! Why not display your handbags as though they are in a museum? Add a pedestal in your closet and place your favourite or most valued bag on it, like a statue would in a museum, and even better if you're a little over the top, throw a glass casing over it! You can also create an arrangement with various heights of pedestals to display your precious bags that are currently in use, or your top 3 most used bags.

These are all not complicated ways to transform your closet into a handbag heaven, and make the place where your bags live be glorious. If you do have spectacular closets and handbag collections, I would love to see and you can share in the comments some of the best additions you've made you your handbags collection or closet to make the space feel a little extra special!


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