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F**k the Fakes|Bags for Breakfast

F**k the Fakes|Bags for Breakfast

Let me deinfluence you on purchasing "dupes" a.k.a, fakes.

In light of recent Instagram frenzy surrounding this topic, I wanted to take the time to dedicate a blog to elaborate on why under no circumstance should you ever purchase a fake. FYI, even if you like to flatter yourself by calling your fake a dupe or a replica, or a knock-off, it is still fake. Buying an Amazon "dupe" is still buying a fake, buying an expensive "replica", even if it is handmade, is still a fake. The truth is, no matter what you label it, when one of those bags falls into the hands of an authenticator, there is only one category it can fall in, and that is counterfeit, fake.

For those who think, what's the big deal, counterfeit is just petty, victimless are mistaken. Counterfeit handbags and other counterfeit luxury is a trillion dollar industry funding terror. Buying fake handbags is illegal and directly funds and supports the following illegal practices in several ways. If you need a reason for why it is illegal, here are 4 serious reasons:

Child labor: Counterfeit handbags are primarily produced in countries with lax labor laws, which leads to the exploitation of children in the production process. Children may be forced to work long hours in unsafe conditions and for frighteningly little or no pay.

Human trafficking: Counterfeit handbags are often produced in countries with high levels of human trafficking. Workers may be lured into jobs with promises of fair pay and working conditions, only to find themselves trapped in dangerous and exploitative situations.

Organized crime: Counterfeit handbags are produced and sold by organized crime syndicates. These groups use the profits from counterfeit sales to fund terror and illegal activities like drug trafficking, selling arms and weapons, smuggling child soldiers, the list goes on.

Environmental damage: The mass production of counterfeit handbags in secret factories in remote locations contributes to the negative impact on the environment. Counterfeiters use cheap and toxic materials like lead that pollute the air and waterways, as well as contribute to global warming. And by the way, if you are travelling with a handbag that has protected exotic leather but that's actually made of lead and plastic because yours is fake, you most likely be asked to produce the CITES permits with your handbag. Failure to produce authentic documentation for your bag can result in legal prosecution, criminal charges, fines, and even potentially imprisonment. Failing to comply with CITES regulations can also damage your reputation, particularly if you are a business owner or public figure, which most of these women are. This will have long-term consequences for your personal and professional life, because it is indeed a crime.

By purchasing counterfeit handbags, consumers contribute to increasing the demand for these illegal and unethical practices. The profits from counterfeit sales flow back to the criminals and illegal businesses that perpetuate these practices, which in turn causes huge global issues. In essence, buying counterfeit handbags directly aids the cycle of exploitation and criminality.

This is real, and this is serious. I implore you, never ever buy a fake bag. Purchase authentic, or do not purchase at all.

Much of this is conducted on and facilitated by social media, where counterfeiters remain almost completely unregulated. Instagram and Facebook's excuse for not regulating users selling counterfeit handbags is because it is difficult for social media platforms to monitor and enforce all the content posted on their platforms. The claim is that it is challenging to identify and remove all counterfeit products that are being sold and uses the excuse that because sellers may use private messages to sell counterfeit goods, this makes it even more difficult for social media platforms to detect these activities...

Interesting excuse considering when Instagram and Facebook wants to block and regulate false information regarding say politics, or covid, that kind of content can be regulated immediately...but not counterfeiting illegal luxury items. Funny how social media won't work quickly to take counterfeiters off their platforms, that is because it makes them money, and it does not concern them legally. For example, under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act in the United States, social media platforms are generally not held liable for the content posted by their users. This legal protection has made it more difficult for authorities to hold social media platforms accountable for the sale of counterfeit goods on their platforms, and clearly Meta has no issue letting it happen since it does not concern them and they are profiting from it.

Despite the minimal efforts Instagram claims they make to remove counterfeiters, these fake bags are spread throughout social media's algorithm every day. Users with interest in fashion and luxury are the targets of scam accounts following them, messaging them, adding users to spam groups, harassing them and pushing their fake products.

Now let's talk about the other problem with social media.

While many know of the consequences and impacts tied to purchasing counterfeit handbags, interestingly enough, it is influencers and celebrities with hundreds of thousands to even millions of followers who have recently been exposed to blissfully and ignorantly turning a blind eye, and purposely purchase counterfeit bags.

With their influence, millions of people look up to their seemingly lavish lives and marvel at how one can own ultra luxury handbags in every colour of the rainbow...

Well, let me deinfluence you, that's because they don't, they are fake. They give the illusion that they have it all in their luxurious lifestyles. But that is all it is, an illusion.

Luckily, this has all been illuminated by the Fake Birkin Slayer on Instagram, an account newly dedicated to exposing the reality behind fakes and spotting big verified influencers and celebs who carry fakes in hopes to discover the source they purchased the fake from. If you want to be more knowledgable about this topic to avoid being scammed or fooled into buying a "good" fake, there is a lot to know, and a lot that goes into authentication. I highly suggest at least becoming aware of the effort and craftsmanship that goes into authentic handbags, to gain respect for authenticity and not fall into the trap of thinking it is worth while carrying a fake until you can get an authentic bag, or carrying a fake because it is "trend" handbag that won't be timeless. And go follow the Fake Birkin Slayer if you want to keep up with recent news surrounding this topic. Just to be clear, I am not behind nor connected in any way to the instagram account aside supporting it.

Again, counterfeit products, despite what you label it, is illegal, and the most important thing to do is to report the fake bag in any and every way that you can. It is important for social media influencers to be transparent and instead of choosing to double down on lies when it is pointed out that you have a fake, take the opportunity to at least take responsibility, and tell the truth of where it comes from.

If you are an influencer with a fake bag that you knowingly purchased reading this: the reality is you are not just fooling yourselves and cleverly skipping the "Hermes game", you are funding criminals. You do not need a Birkin or a Kelly to be influential. If you don't have the means to acquire a Birkin or a Kelly through the Hermes boutique or through authentic pre-owned resellers, please don't seek ways to look like you have a dazzling collection, you are contributing to more damage than you may realize. There is nothing wrong with not owning Hermes, but there is a lot wrong with owning fake Hermes. And if you do have the means to purchase authentic, but you decided you are too entitled, privileged or bored for real handbags and actively seek out "super fakes" to get a little thrill out of purposely deceiving others (I'm talking to you Reddit Rep Ladies in that horrendous The Cut article), then maybe I can set you up with a psychologist.

And if you were scammed, do not send the bag back to wherever you got it, bring it to the authorities. I urge you to do your due diligence before purchasing anything.

The world is watching now, so let's all be responsible, and fuck the fakes.  


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